• “Favicon” the small icon shown in the browsers in front of the URL

    “Favicon” the small icon shown in the browsers in front of the URL

    Reference Site: Docs.Moodle.org The small icon shown in the browsers in front of the URL is called a favicon. To create your own replace the file favicon.ico in your theme directory. For example in /theme/standard/pix/favicon.ico with your own icon. If you are not using the standard theme you will have to do […]

  • G Suite HIPAA Business Associate Amendment

    G Suite HIPAA Business Associate Amendment

    This HIPAA Business Associate Amendment (“HIPAA BAA”) is made and entered into by and between Google Inc. and Customer effective as of the date electronically accepted by Customer and amends the Agreement for the purpose of implementing the requirements of HIPAA to support the parties’ compliance requirements thereunder. The “Agreement” […]

  • What is an SSL Certificate?

    What is an SSL Certificate?

     Reference Site: Symantec SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer and, in short, it’s the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent between two systems, preventing criminals from reading and modifying any information transferred, including potential personal details. The two systems can […]

  • What Is The Difference Between ODBC And OLE DB?

    What Is The Difference Between ODBC And OLE DB?

    The differences between these two data access protocols are technical, but in the most general terms, OLE DB is newer, more advanced, and compatible with a wider selection of database technologies. In addition, OLE DB is more general, in that it includes the ODBC functionality. Technically speaking, ODBC (Open Database […]

  • How To Clear Your DNS Cache

    How To Clear Your DNS Cache

    Your DNS cache stores the locations (IP addresses) of web servers that contain web pages which you have recently viewed. If the location of the web server changes before the entry in your DNS cache updates, you can no longer access the site. If you encounter a large number of HTML […]

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    Edx.Org Site Running A Blog In WordPress.Org

    Reference Site: Edx.org[1], Blog.Edx.org [2], Builtwith.com[3] This week while browsing some of the Online Course site, Edx.org which has been one of my regular sites, happened to run its blog at URL Blog.Edx.org using Wordpress. I use the site Builtwith.com to get the details about the site. Founded in 2007, BuiltWith® is a website profiler, lead generation, competitive […]

  • What is an IMAP?

    Reference Site: WhatIsMyIPAddress.com IMAP allows you to access your emails via the Internet. Basically, emails are stored on Email Server and users can access the emails even using the Email Client (like Outlook) but the user is not actually downloading or storing it on his local PCs (Desktop / Laptop / Phone […]

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    About G Suite for Education

    Reference Site: Support.Google.com As we all know, G Suite for Education is a suite of free Google tools and services that are tailored for schools and homeschools. It is available globally to all educational institutions that qualify. G Suite for Education is free and includes user accounts. G Suite for Education accounts provides […]

  • SDLC For School/College’s ERP

    Systems(ERP) Development Life Cycle – SDLC Planning Requirement Functional and Non-functional Client Product Owner Analysis Requirement Client Product Owner QA Lead Developer Lead Designer Lead Business Analysist Design High Level & Low Level Design Web Designer Graphics Designer Implementation & Coding Developer Testing QA, Test Engineer Marketing Production Product Owner […]

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    EU Model Contract Clauses For G Suite

    Reference Site: Admin Console, Google Inc Standard Contractual Clauses (processors) for the purposes of Article 26(2) of Directive 95/46/EC for the transfer of personal data to processors established in third countries which do not ensure an adequate level of data protection the non-Google legal entity accepting the Clauses (the “Data Exporter”) […]