Here are the training checklist that an educator should know to effectively while using the Moodle LMS for their day to day activities;
- Course Groups (Student Batch)
- Update of the Participants with Enrollment Finish Dates
- Update of Participants Status in the enrolled course (Unit)
- Assignment (Theory Assessment)) Marking
- Scale Grading the Assignment activities with Feedbacks
- Allowing the Manual ATTEMPTS in Assignments
- Grant Extension of Due Dates in Assignments
- Use of User Override on individual students
- Use of Group Overrider on the entire batch
- Quiz (Online Learning Activities) Marking
- Allowing the Manual ATTEMPTS
- Value Grading the Quizzes
- Forum Post
- Announcement of Due Dates based on Respective Group (Batch)
- Activities Post and Reply on Graded Forums
- Grade Report
- Generate the Assessment Due to Mark Report
- Generate the Assessment Report
- Generate the Course (Unit) Progress Report)